Poor Indoor Air Quality

3 Side Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality in Pittsburgh, PA

When spring arrives in Pittsburgh, PA, allergy season is not far behind. Grass, tree and flower pollen can make it difficult for sensitive people to spend time outdoors. As allergens build up inside your home, the resulting drop in indoor air quality can cause several problems for the health and well-being of your loved ones.

Chronic Cold Symptoms

Most allergens make their way into your body through the respiratory system. When pollen grains are floating in your indoor air, they enter your lungs with every breath. Your body responds by amping up your immune system in the affected area.

For allergy sufferers, this response means the start of chronic cold symptoms. A sensitive person may experience a runny nose, cough and sore throat. For most people, a cold dissipates in a few days, but allergies last as long as the irritants are present.


Foregoing HVAC maintenance in your home can also disrupt your sleep patterns. The symptoms of seasonal allergies can make it difficult to get a good night’s rest. Affected people will have trouble waking in the morning and feel tired throughout the day.

Other impurities like the volatile organic compounds from cleaning products may cause nausea, headaches and a general sense of feeling unwell. Closing windows to prevent outdoor irritants can raise the concentration of VOCs.

Skin Irritation

Poor indoor air quality can also affect your skin. People with a strong allergic sensitivity may experience rashes and other inflammation as their immune systems kick in.

At Woodruff and Smith Heating and Cooling, Inc., we’re concerned with the total home comfort of our customers in Pittsburgh, PA. Our team can install air cleaners and ventilators that will improve the air quality of your home. Contact us today to learn how you can breathe easier this allergy season.

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