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4 Reasons Ventilation Matters in Your Bethel Park, MA Home

You may close your windows when the temperatures drop to keep cold outside air from getting into your Bethel Park, MA, home. The shuttered windows also limit the amount of fresh air circulating in the home. The following are four reasons why you should do everything you can to create good ventilation in your home.

Reduces Toxic Gases

All HVAC systems produce some level of carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide. If the ventilation in your home isn’t good enough, these harmful gases could build up in your home’s air. If the gases become too prevalent in the air, it could cause some serious health issues and even death.

Helps Your Immune System

To get into your respiratory system and make you sick, pathogens like bacteria and viruses attach themselves to airborne dust and dirt. Good ventilation helps filter these germs out of the air, reducing the chance of infection with the flu or a cold.

Your Home Smells Better

If the air in your home feels stale or has an ongoing odor, better ventilation is the remedy. You don’t notice it as much during the summer. Fresh air circulates in as stale air circulates out during the summer when the windows are open. Stay on top of this during the winter because foul odors in the air can sneak up on you.

It Improves the Longevity of Your Ventilation System

An HVAC system with bad ventilation generally has clogged filters. Clogged filters are bad for any HVAC system because they help create all the issues mentioned earlier. A stuffy HVAC system also requires more power to operate, running up your monthly energy bills.

Good ventilation in any home starts with an efficient and powerful HVAC system. If you have questions or concerns about the ventilation in your HVAC system, give the pros at Woodruff and Smith Heating and Cooling Inc. a call today.

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